Going the Distance

Daring To Be The Best We Can Be- 

Powerstride Battery Company and its early beginnings reach back several generations with roots stretching clear back to 1926. Next year in 2020 when the New Year celebrations ring in we will be 6 years away from our 100 year centennial! That’s a long time in any business. And we will also reflect on how we reached that day and think back on the legacy that was built and how. It started with a foundation of integrity and service that continues with every step and stride we take. We are running, in service for our customers, our vendors, our employees and our various human interest endeavors in the community and beyond.

In a cut throat business climate today, everyone recognizes the cold and abrupt practices that put profits before people and professionalism. We wish we could be perfect every time and we will always strive to be, but we realize in good days and all the others that you have to keep aiming high for what you believe. Although the contemporary pursuit of the American dream is popular and pays dividends, yet for us there is more. Successful business should be more than personal gain and soaring profits which can carry heavy weights anchored in empty motives and dragged down by corporate greed. Can we be a different kind of company? True business and true success is going the distance when combined with the sincerest effort to be true to what is right in every business deal. Keeping our bottom line balanced in honest and fair gains for all. Our customers have to benefit from the products and services they paid for that were delivered! As our company gains so must our customers, employees and vendors. If not they won’t be for long. And, after the balance sheet is analyzed can we give something back to the community and look in the mirror and see that we are more than just good business professionals? Are we good people?

Service for the distance and the sacrifices we make every day do more than pay the bills. It makes our team and your team better. Our business grows as your business grows. If we do what we do better and better, then you and or your company are better for it. At the end of the business day Powerstride Battery Company will still be found clutching to the never ending principals of old fashioned friendly service, fair and competitive prices, top shelf quality products and practices, helpful industry knowledge and specialization that have made us the best we can be. And we are still seeking to grow in every way. We don’t just answer to our customers but we answer to our consciences.

Marketing, slogans and big claims are one thing, but we would like the opportunity to prove ourselves to you or your company. We can't promise you we will always be flawless but we intendt to keep trying. We put ourselves on notice and look forward to taking your call 877-576-9379. Help@powerstridebattery.com.


The Powerstride Team

Jul 18th 2019 The Battery Genius

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